Vocabulary Lesson 2
Mikro Lesson 2 | Learning Outcomes | Method/Steps |
Vocabulary - Adjectives | -Learn to pronounce the word correctly -Learn what the word means, the definition -Learn how to use the word in sentences. -Learn the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are ‘adjectives’ -Learn ‘adjective’ is a describing word | -t reviews st “What does ‘good’ mean?” - t writes [good] on the board -t elicits “wonderful, great, awesome, excellent, super, splendid, etc” from st. - t shows st the list from the previous lesson. -t asks st “Is “good” an adjective?” -t tells st “We will add another adjective to our game today.” -t asks st “What does ‘bad’ mean?” - t writes [bad] on the board -t elicits “horrible, terrible, unpleasant etc” from st. - t writes these words in a list on the board under [bad] -t asks st “Is “bad” an adjective?” - t elicits “yes” - t tells st “We will play a game. We are not allowed to use the word ‘good’ or ‘bad’ today.” - t asks st to write [bad] in their writing books and make a list of adjectives under it. -t shows st a picture from (Fuller House Season 1: Episode 2) - t asks st to describe things or things that are happening with the words that mean good but they are not allowed to use the adjectives [good] or [bad]. - t models examples “the milkshake” is “great”, “news” is “terrible”, “the breakfast” is “awesome” - t guides st by pointing to things in the picture to elicit [good]or [bad] things/situations. - t asks st to describe (orally) with these things/situations with adjectives that mean [good] and [bad] - t checks answers with st - t tells st to keep the adjective lists for next class |